

  • activities : Artist – & eventmanagement
  • status: starting company
  • Location: Based in the netherlands
  • Languages: English & Dutch

What is seismic artists?

The main focus of seismic is artist management.

We can take care of the full management of  upcoming talents in the bass&trap scene, and help them grow. 

This includes:

  •  Letting their music reach the target audience through multiple (social) platforms
  •  Active promotion and branding to get more listeners and as much bookings as possible
  • Taking care of bookings, agenda and tourmanagement
  •  Include the artist in upcoming seismic events

What is Seismic Events?

The other focus of seismic is event management.

We create, promote and realize bass focused music concepts. 

we include the seismic artists as much as possible in those events. the seismic clubnights are a great opportunity to connect with their target audience.

The seismic concepts all have one thing in common; they are reminiscent of natural phenomenons. Think of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami’s etc. 

Those are all events which occur when the earth starts to tremor; a seismic event.

 through visuals, musicgenre, earthshakin’ bass and branding is this massive, goosebumps-creating feeling translated to the crowd.

bass faces guaranteed.